Schladming 700 - Imprese #1

Schladming 700

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The municipality of Schladming celebrates its 700th anniversary, history,musical sounds and much more come together for exciting events and a great festival.

Sunday, 12.06.2022: Knappenlauf

Every year, enthusiastic spring skiers compete against each other on a large avalanche cone on the karboden of the north side of the Zinkwand in a final sporting giant slalom. Together with the WSV Schladmind, this traditional race has been held for over 50 years. Ideal conditions prevail almost every year on the foothills of the Zinkwand gully, where 300 years ago the miners brought the silver ore down to the valley on small ore sledges.

Friday, 08.07.2022: the Egerländer meet the Oberkrainer

To pay homage to the 700th anniversary, a true summit meeting of the musical kind will take place in the Schladming World Cup Stadium. The most successful brass bands of the last decades will meet for a joint concert.

You can find more information about the summit meeting here.